T a r a f s ı z D e ğ i l i z

.:: KomploTeorileri ::. TRT Mescid-i Aksa'yi bilmiyor mu?

Sayin Neval Kacar, ve yaziyi gonderen Hasan Erdemli Bey'in ve bu satirlari okuyan Musluman kardeslerimin Mubarek Mirac Kandilini kutlarim.
Israil hukumeti Mescid-i Aksa'dan Mirac Kandili dualarinin yayinlanmasina Muslumanlarin en tabii hakki olarak engel olmamistir. Bir de Urdun isgali devrinde Kudus'te Yahudilerin Aglama Duvari'na yaklasmalarinin yasak edilmesiyle bu davranisi mukayese edin.
Bunun yaninda,Israilde yasayan Turkiyeli bir Yahudi olarak, (TRT Mescidi Aksa'yi Bilmiyor mu?)baslikli yazinin -TRT muhabirinn yaptigini soylediginiz hata haric gerceklere hic uymadigini soylemek istiyorum.
"Ağlama duvarı ve Mescid-i Aksa'yı çevirerek, arkeolojik kazı yaptıklarını söyleyen İsrail, kazının niçin, mescidin altına yöneldiği sorusunu açıklayamamaktadır." ifadenize asagida cevap bulabilirsiniz.
Yahudilerin her seyle itham edilmesine alismisizdir. Fakat akilsiz olduklarini kimse iddia edemez.
Ayni sebepten Yahudiler, kendileri icin en kutsal yer olan Kutsal Suleyman Mabedinin Bati duvarinin devami ve etrafini arkeolojik kazilarla arstirmak isterken en cok dikkat ettikleri husus, Ustte olan Mescidi-Aksa ,Kubbet-ul Sahra veya Harem-u Serif'e hicbir sekilde zarar vermemek olmustur.
Yahudiler Hazreti Suleyman mabedini yeniden insa etmeyi  isteyecekleri gun - ki bu bir hayalden ileri gitmiyor- Islamin kutsal yerlerine zarar vermeden yapacaklardir cunku bu hatayiypacak kadar akilsiz degildirler.
Asagida verdigim Ingilizce yazi, iddianizin yanlisligini ortaya koyuyor.
Turkiyenin Kuduse gonderdigi mutehassislar komisyonu eger Israilin Islamin kutsal yerlerine bir zarar verdigini tesbit etseydi ebet bunun gurltusu buyuk lacakti. Fakat gercekler karsisinda raporlarini sessizce vermeyi herhalde tercih ettiler.
Asagidaki yaziyi okumanizi tavsiye ediyorum :http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/myths/mf20.html#t
Israil, Kudusun akibeti ne olacaksaolsun,  Islamiyetin degerlerini cigneyecek bir davranista bulunmayacaktir.
Selim Amado


"When Israel excavated the Western Wall tunnel, it threatened the integrity of the Temple Mount and al-Aksa Mosque, and was therefore condemned by the UN Security Council."


The best known part of the remaining Herodian Temple Mount constructions is the traditional Jewish prayer area of the Western Wall, which has stood exposed, above ground level, for two thousand years. The capture of the Old City in the Six-Day War provided an opportunity to explore along the continuation of the Western Wall from the prayer plaza northwards. Long sections of the southern wall of the Temple Mount and its southwestern corner were exposed during the 1970s, furnishing a comprehensive picture of the monumental Herodian walls surrounding the Temple Mount and the vast, planned areas of public construction outside them.

A tunnel allows pedestrians to walk on 2000-year-old stones along one of the oldest subterranean paths in Jerusalem, beginning at the Western Wall plaza and ending at the Via Dolorosa. For years, Israel kept the exit closed to avoid provoking Palestinians already angered by the excavation. This forced visitors to the tunnel to return the same way they entered, sometimes literally having to turn sideways and squeeze past people moving in the other direction.

In September 1996, Prime Minister Benjamin N etanyahu decided to open the exit. It was done late at night to minimize the prospect for violence, but gave the impression he was doing something underhanded. The Palestinians (and Muslims elsewhere) saw the move as a provocative violation of the peace accords and part of an Israeli campaign to undermine Muslim holy sites. Palestinians rioted in reaction to the Israeli action.

The UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1093 after the Saudi representative complained about Israel opening a tunnel "in the vicinity of al-Aksa mosque." In fact, the tunnel is an archeological site that has nothing to do with the mosque. The restoration of the Western Wall tunnel was undertaken as part of an ongoing effort by Israel to reveal major archeological finds in Jerusalem and to improve the tourism infrastructure in the Old City.

The tunnel was re-excavated under the supervision of archaeologists and engineers. No archeological or religious sites were damaged in its construction. The tunnel does not run underneath the Temple Mount and its restoration did not endanger any buildings or other structures in the Old City. No private property was expropriated, condemned or otherwise confiscated to accomplish this project.

Moreover, the restoration of the tunnel did not violate the Interim Agreement between Israel and the Palestinians as archeological restorations in Jerusalem are not covered by the document.

The controversy eventually died down and today the tunnel may be visited by tourists. By opening the exit, tourists have easier access to the Via Dolorosa from the Western Wall plaza, which, coincidentally, benefits merchants in the Muslim Quarter where the visitors depart.



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