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Cerberus FTP Server v3.1.0.2 | 9.41 Mb 
Cerberus FTP Server; kullanım kolaylığını yitirmeden güçlü, işlevsel FTP sunucu performansı sağlar. Çok az işlemci ve hafıza (Ram) kullanmak üzere tasarlanmış olan Cerberus, kullanıcı dostu arayüzüyle istediğiniz an sistem çubuğuna küçültülebilir veya geri çağırılabilir. Bağlantı sınırlama, zaman aşımı ve IP erişimi diğer ayarlar gibi yönetici tarafından kontrol edilebilir.

Cerberus FTP ServerTM provides industrial strength secure SSL/TLS encryption and powerful FTP server performance without sacrificing ease-of-use. Designed to use very little CPU and memory, Cerberus features a user-friendly interface that can be easily hidden or accessed from the system tray. The server is able to listen for connections on multiple interfaces (Multi-homed PCs), integrate with the Windows NT user database or Active Directory, run as an NT service, resume failed transfers, and offers an easy-to-use manager for controlling user access to files and file operations. Connection limit, timeout, and IP access can be controlled by the administrator as well as a variety of other settings. In addition, Cerberus FTP Server offers statistics on connections as well as robust logging capabilities. The server adheres to RFC959 and RFC1123.
* International character set and FTP UTF-8 support
* FIPS 140-2 Validated Cryptography
* Groups support
* Added an auto-update system to detect and automatically upgrade to newer versions of Cerberus
* Added support for several new commands, including CLNT command (client name),XCRC,XSHA1,XSHA256, XSHA512,SITE ZONE, CCC, MFMT, and MFCT
* Converted the users and settings files to XML - No more dependency on the Windows Registry
* Complete rewrite of the underlying GUI framework
* Changed library linking to dynamically link to CRT libraries instead of static linking
* Updated the look and feel of the GUI controls, new toolbar buttons, converted many icons to Vista quality
* Added a moving chart to the statistics pane to show upload and download bandwidth used over time
* Certificate Authority and Client Certificate Verification support
* Certificate Revocation List support
* LDAP Authentication
* Native 64 bit version of Cerberus FTP Server
* Improved SOAP support
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